“Chemical” means that turf, and other plants receive nutrient products manufactured from man-made ingredients. Chemical nitrogen is manufactured from petroleum. Many chemical combinations are “salty”. In other words, just like certain salt-based ice melt products that kill grass and trees, some turf and plant products are made of salt combinations that damage soil over time, including killing microbes. This weakens the plants and can poison the soil over time, creating a climate for more disease and insect damage, requiring intervention with more man-made chemicals.

“Organic” means that less dependence is placed on man-made products and more on natural products. Nitrogen can be absorbed from the atmosphere into soil with high organic content. Grains like soy meal and cotton seed meal release nitrogen when they decompose. Sea plants like seaweed have a tremendous diversity of important nutrients that help plants grow and feed the living organisms in the soil. Adding microorganisms to the soil can significantly reduce the other nutrients required by turf, trees, flowers, or vegetables.

Chemical Organic
Relies on man-made ingredients Relies on ingredients available in nature
Gradually diminishes soil health Builds soil health
Gradually reduces soil organisms Supports/Increases soil organisms
Increases in Thatch Decreases Thatch
Increases soil compaction Loosens soil, relieves compaction
Increases in disease Increases in disease Lessens disease activity
Overall decreasing plant health Long term sustainable plant health
Are All Organics Equal? No!

Plants do not process animal-derived nutrients as easily as plant-based nutrients. We all know that animals eat plants. Plants do not eat animals. Therefore, plant-derived products are the best choice and, unlike some animal waste product sources like

sewage waste, do not contain toxic components.

The Bottom Line –

Plant-Derived Organic Products are Your Best Choice for Plant Health