Making Money Through The Seasons

The income numbers contained in the following summary are based on services provided in Columbus, OH. Northeastern and west coast states are likely to have higher incomes whereas rural areas are likely to be less.

The Njekt Soil Injection System Is The Most Efficient, Flexible, And Profitable Soil Injection System In The Industry. Why?

  1. No wasted chemicals – Like those remaining chemicals in a pump and hose reel.
  2. Using less chemicals – Dramatically less than canopy sprays.
  3. Use less water – Only ounces per DBH injection instead of gallons with a spray truck.
  4. Products can be pre-mixed – No lost time mixing with the spray rig.
  5. Exchange products quickly – Less than 60 seconds. Again, no lost time mixing.
  6. No second or third trips – Get all applications done with only one property visit – no return trips for applications that were too inconvenient to make the first time.


  • fertilizing shrubbery to help recover from winter damage
  • systemic for scales
  • fertilizing for ornamental


  • systemic to control taxus weevel, scales
  • bark sprays (backpack)
  • disease control
  • root feeding ornamental trees especially
  • ones stricken by scale insects

  • soil test recommendations


  • taxus weevil control
  • disease control
  • systemic for spider mites
  • drought recovery
  • soil test recommendations


  • shade tree fertilizing
  • systemic for scales, mites, etc.
  • soil test recommendations
  • soil modification to promote deep root development in a friable soil texture

Late November/December

  • anti-desiccant to protect
    tender evergreens from winter winds, ice and snow damage (backpack)

Njekt - Your First Choice In Plant Health Care - 21st Century Equipment By Nature’s Pro, Llc