
With organic-based products and procedures that do not rely on traditional chemical programs, Nature’s Pro® Bio-Soil Science products are formulated from the highest quality ingredients which supply:
- Primary Nutrients with low salt and chloride indexes
- Chelated micro-nutrients
- Natural soil conditioners
- Growth hormones
- Humic Acids
- Numerous ingredients to support soil biology
- Additional biology including mycorrhizae and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

“Plants can only be as healthy as the soil in which they grow”
There is no rational counter statement to this common sense, simple and basic understanding of plant
health. Prescription Soil Analysis is one of only a hand-full of labs that provide ‘nutrient-availability’ testing rather than a typical agricultural test. The easy-to-understand reports are plant specific and the recommendations are based on the soil type in which the plants are growing. Taken together, these factors make the PSA, web-based soil testing service unique within the industry.