
All accessories sold for the Njekt Model NT 800. Please call us at (800) 645-6464 or email us at to order accessories.
Product Price
Njekt Enabled Backpack Sprayer (4G, #1 backpack in the world) $185
Backpack Conversion Kit (Convert your own backpack) $95
Backpack Hose (with fittings) for Njek $49
Quick Change Tank – 1 Gallon $69
Rinse Tank – 1 Gallon $69
Wall Mounted Tank Holder (Bracket holds one tank) $69
Wall Mounted Njekt Holder (Bracket holds one unit) $49
Injector Tips (3ʺ, 6ʺ or 9ʺ) (each) $95
Oiler Kit (Oiler, 4 oz. Teflon Oil) $39
Backpack Shelf $299*
Easy Track Mounting System (5 – 30” sections) $125
*includes mounting hardware

Call (800) 645-6464 for NT 700 and NT 800 System parts and accessories.

Njekt Application Examples and Income Potential

The income numbers contained in the following summary are based on services provided in Columbus, OH. Northeastern and west coast states are likely to have higher incomes whereas rural areas are likely to be less.

Pricing of Njekt applications is based on two factors, cost of products and cost of labor. In the following example, labor is priced at $90 per hour or $0.025 per second. It takes 5 seconds to make an injection but we are basing cost on 10 seconds to account for preparation time. Therefore, the labor cost is $0.25 per DBH and will be added to the product costs in the chart below.

Product Application Rate Per Inch DBH Product Cost Product Cost per Inch DBH Total Cost Charge to Customer* Profit per inch DBH
Imidacloprid (Merit) 0.2 oz. $1.05 / oz. $0.21 $0.46 $5.00 $4.54
Neonicotinod (Safari) 0.10 – 0.42 oz. $11.02 / oz. $1.10 – $4.63 $1.35 – $4.88 $10.00 $5.12 – $8.65
Phosphite Fungicide (Reliant or TKO) 7.04 oz. $0.41 / oz. $2.89 $3.14 $9.00 $5.86
Acephate (Lepitect) 0.2 – 0.4 oz. $7.90 / oz. $1.56 – $3.16 $1.83 – $3.41 $9.00 $5.59 – $7.17
Soil Conditioner (Bio-Aer) 6.5 oz. $0.2 / oz. $1.30 $1.55 $5.00 $3.23
Fertilizer (Bio-Tree & Shrub) 1.6 oz. $0.19 / oz $0.30 $0.55 $5.00 $4.45
Micronutrients (Bio-Green) 2 oz. $0.26 / oz $0.52 $0.77 $5.00 $4.23
*This is a middle price range. Can vary dramatically per region

Pricing as of 10/1/22

Looking at the labels for the above products, it is obvious that many diseases can be treated, as well as other beneficial applications, using the Njekt. The mix rates above are based on optimum application conditions. Lack of soil moisture may require additional water to enable better dispersion of active ingredients, through the soil.

For Example:

  • Imidacloprid can be used to control many different kinds of scale insects as well as tree borers or insects with sucking mouth parts. This insecticide is a great wide-range material that has a season long systemic action.
  • Phosphite Fungicides can be used to control a very wide range of diseases from apple scab to anthracnose to bacterial diseases. It can be applied through the soil, canopy sprayed, or trunk applied. It can even be injected. Soil injection is one of the least invasive and easiest to accomplish.
  • Acephate (Lepitect) can be soil applied for a rapid, albeit short-lived, control of nearly any insect pest. We inject it into the soil at the base of the tree for a speedy uptake without risking drift of pesticide to a non-target area.

How Much Money Can You Make Using Imidacloprid as an Example?

Using a 10” DBH tree as an example, it would take 1 minute 40 seconds to make 10 injections. The Njekt can be calibrated to inject up to 10 oz. of mixed chemical per injection site. An easy way to make the application is to apply many injections as there are inches of DBH. Therefore, each injection site should have 0.2 oz. of Imidacloprid and up to 9.8 oz. of water. Our client in Columbus, OH uses a more concentrated material in the tank so that each injection will deliver 0.2 oz of active ingredient and 3.8 oz. of water for a total of 4 oz. per injection. This allows for optimal delivery and dispersion rates. In this example, therefore, we are using 40 oz. of mixture per tree.

Using the 1G container that comes with the Njekt, 128 oz. will adequately treat 3 trees, take 5 minutes, and generate $50 per tree for a total of $150 gross revenue. For greater efficiency, upgrade to the optional 4G backpack and treat over 12 trees, billing $600 in 20 minutes.

Njekt is fast, efficient and profitable

Income is only limited by the number of times you can invoice $640 every 20 minutes over the course of a day.