Njekt™ is another innovative product from the Nature’s Pro family of companies. We sell our products to business and consumers alike, and we sell nationally and internationally as well. Please call us at (800) 645-6464 or email us at info@naturespro.com to order an Njekt or any of it’s accessories.

Gary Maurer
Nature’s Pro, LLC
Nature’s Pro, LLC
Involved in horticulture ever since mowing lawns as a kid, Gary built Nature’s Pro, LLC into a leading industry source for customized spray equipment and products for Tree Care companies, Landscape professionals and Arborists throughout the country. Through a steadfast commitment to helping others achieve stellar customer service and increased efficiency in their operations, Gary has become a trusted resource to the industry.

Keith Maurer
Horticulturist & Soil Lab Director
Nature’s Pro, LLC
Nature’s Pro, LLC
With as life-long involvement in plant physiology, Keith brings both formal training and real-world experience to the expanding interest in PHC by those who appreciate vibrant landscapes. As an accomplished trainer, his extensive soil analysis skills are sought by many.